Perfect Liars Club at Good Heavens, Tokyo on 3rd November 2016
Our second ever Tokyo Perfect Liars Club sold out again, and it was hilarious. Our four suspects were a shifty group and included the British Ambassador to Tokyo! First up was Aziz with his claim to have almost drowned in the sea in Brazil. Next came Andrea with her rather meta story about having told a lie to Jay Leno on Saturday Night live, shaming herself nationally. Then came Emi who claimed her limbo dancing skills saved her from a Mexican mafia party. And finally Tim told a tale from his diplomatic past about shooting a penguin. Or did he? The audience deliberated. Then they interrogated. What sort of slope did the beach have from which Aziz went swimming? What does the inside of an NBC limo look like? Demonstrate your limbo skills! And what exactly differentiates a macaroni penguin from the other penguin breeds? The questions came thick and fast. The audience was ruthless but our intrepid foursome stood up to the interrogation. And then it was time for the big reveal... Emi was deemed most likely to be a liar by a mile. Aziz was deemed most likely to be telling the truth. And yet, when the drumroll died down and the moment of truth came, the liar who stepped forward was... Tim! Turned out that no penguins were harmed in the making of this show. The audience roared with shock or smugness, depending on their vote. And so ended another brilliant Perfect Liars Club show. See you next month.